Seldon Deploy

Advanced Seldon Deploy Installation

This page contains instructions and details for the advanced configuration for the Seldon Deploy configuration.

Make sure that before you go ahead with this installation, you have all the pre-requisites listed in the Installation Overview Page.

Load config / env variables

Before we run the command, we need to make sure that we source our configuration file that we set up in the pre-requisites:

source ~/.config/seldon/seldon-deploy/dockercreds.txt

Install helm chart

Now we’re ready to install the helm chart. You will find this in the installer scripts under the sd-setup folder.

You just need to run the following helm command:

# Make sure you run this from the installer script `sd-setup` folder

# Authenticate your docker username with the one you've been given access through the license

# Install seldon deploy
helm upgrade seldon-deploy ./helm-charts/seldon-deploy/ \
	--namespace=seldon-system \
	--set image.repository=seldonio/seldon-deploy \
	--set image.tag=${IMAGE_TAG} \
	--set github.user=$GIT_USER \
	--set github.token=$GIT_TOKEN \
	--set$GIT_EMAIL \
	--set external.protocol=$EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL \
	--set kfserving.protocol=$KFSERVING_PROTOCOL \
	--set virtualService.create=$VIRTUALSERVICE_CREATE \
	--set lite=$LITE \
	--install --recreate-pods

Wait for rollout

Now we can just wait until the Seldon Deploy roll-out finishes

kubectl rollout status deployment/seldon-deploy  -n seldon-system