sd promote

sd promote

Promote your model between environments.


Submit a promotion request for your model between environments. If there is an existing request for the same model, this command will update it.

sd promote [name] [flags]


  -f, --from string               Current environment of the model.
      --git-token string          Git token of the target GitOps repository.
      --git-user string           Git user of the target GitOps repository.
  -h, --help                      help for promote
      --promotion-author string   Name of the author of the promotion request.
      --promotion-email string    Email of the author of the promotion request.
  -t, --to string                 Environment where we want to promote our model to.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -p, --password string   Seldon Deploy password.
  -s, --server string     Seldon Deploy server URL.
  -u, --user string       Seldon Deploy user.


  • sd - sd allows to control your machine learning resources in Seldon Deploy.
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 27-Mar-2020
Last modified March 27, 2020: change ref subpath (68c2e91)